Privacy and this website

Thank you for visiting our website. Please allow us to familiarise you with our online data protection principles.

General information and data protection

Swiss Transfusion SRC feels that it is important that you be informed about how your data is collected, stored, processed, shared or transferred when you visit our website or use the services offered on our website.

What kinds of data do we process via the website?

Informational use

Normally, no personal data has to be provided in order for a person to use our website. When you use our website just to obtain information – i.e. if you do not register anywhere or provide any data via an online form – the only data we collect is that which is transmitted by your browser for technical purposes (e.g. IP address, web browser, operating system or time of the page request). We use this data only for statistical analyses that help us keep improving our website. The data from all users is aggregated in such a way that no data can be associated with a specific person.

How do we transmit personal data via the website?

Please be aware that if you are asked to enter personal data when using one of these services, the data will be transmitted using SSL encryption to prevent access by unauthorised third parties.

How do we use cookies?

Some areas of our website use “cookies”. Cookies will not harm your computer and do not contain viruses. Their purpose is to make our website easier to use, more efficient and more secure. Cookies are small text files placed on your computer and saved by your browser. Most of the cookies we use are what are called “session cookies”, meaning that they are automatically deleted when you leave our website. You can delete cookies manually at any time through your browser’s security settings. Cookies enable us to recognise your browser the next time you visit our site. You can set your browser to notify you when a cookie is being set and allow you to accept or reject cookies on a case-by-case basis. Alternatively, you can set your browser to refuse cookies in certain circumstances or to reject them in all cases. You can also set your browser to delete all cookies automatically when you close it. Disabling cookies may limit the functionality of this website.

This cookie policy has been created and updated by Cookie Policy Generator.

Which web analytics services do we use?

Google Analytics

This website uses features of Google Analytics. The service provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files stored on your computer that make it possible to analyse your use of the website. Normally, the information generated by the cookie about your use of the website is transmitted to and stored on a server in the USA.
The basis for the storage of Google Analytics cookies is article 6, section 1(f), of the GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analysing usage behaviour for the purpose of website and advertising optimisation.

IP anonymisation

We have activated the IP anonymisation feature on the Google Analytics website. This causes Google to truncate your IP address within member states of the European Union or other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area prior to its transmission to the USA. In exceptional cases only, the full IP address is sent to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. Google uses this information on behalf of the website operator to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity and to provide other services relating to website and Internet use to the website operator. The IP address transmitted by your browser in conjunction with Google Analytics is not merged with other data held by Google.

Browser plug-in

You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser; please note, though, that if you do this, you may not be able to enjoy the full functionality all of the site’s features. You can also prevent Google from collecting and processing the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the site (including your IP address) by down-loading and installing the browser plug-in available via this link.

Objecting to data collection

You can prevent the collection of your data by Google Analytics by sending us an e-mail. For more information on the treatment of user data at Google Analytics, please see the Google’s data privacy and security statement.

Contract data processing

We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google, in which Google Analytics committed itself to compliance with the strict requirements of EU data protection law.

Demographic characteristics at Google Analytics

This website uses the “demographic characteristics” function of Google Analytics. This function can be used to generate reports containing information about the age, gender and interests of visitors to the site. This data comes from interest-based advertising from Google as well as visitor data from third-party providers. This data cannot be attributed to any specific person. You can disable this function at any time via the “ads” settings in your Google account or issue a blanket objection to Google Analytics collection of your data as described above under the heading “Objecting to data collection”.

Google Analytics Remarketing

Our websites use Google Analytics’ remarketing functions in conjunction with the cross-device functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick. The service provider is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

This function makes it possible to link the advertising target groups created by Google Analytics Remarketing with the cross-device functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick. In this way, interest-related, personalised advertising messages tailored to you on the basis of your prior usage and surfing behaviour on one device (e.g. a smart phone) can be displayed on another of your devices as well (e.g. tablet of PC).

To this end, and with your consent, Google links your web browser and app browser histories to your Google account. This enables the same personalised advertising content to be placed on any device on which you log on to your Google account. To support this function, Google Analytics records users’ Google-authenticated IDs, which are temporarily linked to our Google Analytics data in order to define and create target groups for cross-device advertising.

You can permanently opt out of the remarketing/targeting by deactivating personalised advertising in your Google account; please follow this link to do so.

The collection of the data recorded in your Google account takes place solely on the basis of consent that you issue to Google or revoke (art. 6, sect. 1(a) GDPR). The basis for the recording of the data that is not collected in your Google account (because you do not have such an account, for example, or because you have opted out of the merging) is article 6, section 6(f) of the GDPR. The interest arises from the website operator’s interest in anonymised analysis for advertising purposes. Please see Google’s data privacy and security statement for further information and the privacy policy.


What other web services do we use?

Google Tag Manager

This site uses Google Tag Manager. Google Tag Manager is a tool that marketers use to manage website “tags” via an interface. The tool itself (which implements the tags) is a domain that neither uses cookies nor stores personal data. Although Google Tag Manager initiates the deployment of tags that may record data in some circumstances, the tool itself does not access that data. Deactivations at the domain or cookie level will remain in effect for all of the tracking tags implemented with Google Tag Manager. The terms of the Google Tag Manager Use Policy are posted at:

Web Fonts

We use web fonts provided by Monotype GmbH ( to ensure that fonts used on this website are rendered consistently. When your browser loads a page of this website, it also loads the web fonts necessary to display the texts and fonts correctly into its cache.

In order to do this, the browser that you are using has to establish a connection with the servers. Hence, learns that our website was viewed via your IP address.

If your browser does not support web fonts, a standard font from your computer is used. For more information about these web fonts, please see and the privacy policy of at as well as the privacy policy of Monotype GmbH at

Adobe Web Fonts for rendering fonts

We use web fonts provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, 4-6 Riverwalk Drive, Citywest Business Campus, Cooldown Commons, Dublin 24, D24 DCW0, Ireland, (“Adobe”), to ensure that the fonts on this website are rendered consistently. When your browser loads a page of this website, it also loads the web fonts necessary to display the texts and fonts correctly into its cache. In order to do this, the browser that you are using has establish a connection with Adobe’s servers. Hence, Adobe learns that our website was viewed via your IP address.

The basis for the transfer of this data for these purposes is our legitimate interest in correctly displaying texts and fonts on our website. If your consent to the data transfer to Adobe is required, we will inform you of this separately beforehand.

For further information on Adobe Web Fonts, please see and Adobe’s privacy policy at

Google Web Fonts

We use web fonts, such as Google Web Fonts (, to ensure that the fonts on this website are rendered consistently. When your browser loads a page of this website, it also loads the web fonts necessary to display the texts and fonts correctly into its cache. In order to do this, the browser that you are using has to establish a connection with Google’s servers. Hence, Google learns that our website was viewed via your IP address. If your browser does not support web fonts or does not allow access, content will be shown using a standard font from your computer.

The basis for the transfer of this data for these purposes is our legitimate interest in displaying texts and fonts on our website to you correctly. If your consent to the data transfer to Google is required, we will inform you of this separately beforehand.

For further information on Google Web Fonts, please see