Annual result

Swiss Transfusion SRC closes 2023 with a small gain.

Blood donation

The blood supply division closed 2023 with a gain of CHF 2,536. This was thanks to projects supported by the SRC Humanitarian Foundation and a good financial result.

Blood stem cells

The blood stem cell division was able to report a gain of CHF 25,900 thanks to a new record in the number of transplant procedures performed on Swiss patients and a good financial result.


Swiss Transfusion SRC’s mandate from the Swiss government to provide services in the area of blood stem cells does not include any funding for the registration of new donors; Swiss Transfusion SRC has to cover these expenses itself. Total registration costs per donor are CHF 140.

A total of 80 per cent of income in the form of monetary donations came from private individuals, associations and companies, the other 20 per cent from institutional donors. The renewal rate for benefactor agreements was 80% in 2023.


Swiss Transfusion SRC closes 2023 with a small gain.

The annual financial statement was audited by the auditors Ernst & Young according to the Swiss GAAP FER standards and the principles of the limited audit.

The annual financial statements are available in German and French.